The state of mind has a huge impact on the quality of life.
That's why if you are bothered about a work issue, you cannot enjoy your time at home. And if you are worried about stuff at home., your productivity at work can go down.
We carry our mind everywhere we go.
Its important to take care of this precious asset that profoundly affects your life, relationships and self esteem.
Shared below are five ways to boost your mental health.
By no means is this an exhaustive list. There are so many ways we can boost our mental health. The key to good mental health is to remember to use one of these methods when we have the need. And secondly believe that it is possible for us to feel better, however down we may be feeling.
5 ways to boost your mental health
1. Meditation
Meditation is a well established method to boost mental health.
Benefits of meditation include decrease in stress, anxiety and depression; better focus, enhanced attention, and an improvement in the perceived quality of life. Meditation helps the executive functioning of the brain, and is shown to prevent the age related thinning of grey matter - keeping the brain sharp and agile with age.
More importantly meditation provides a much needed pause to the mind. In this pause, the mind rests and the body heals. The deep quiet of meditation has a nourishing effect on the mind.
Whether you are starting out or have meditated before, you can experience the depth of meditation in one of my guided meditation classes. I’ve designed these classes specifically to get the most out in a short period of time. Sign up for a class today and experience a calm and clear mind.
2. Focus on your breath
The act of breathing is always in the present moment. We cannot breathe for yesterday or for tomorrow. We can only breathe for this moment, right now.
When we bring attention to the breath, we become grounded in the present moment. The mind that is wandering all over the place, becomes focused. It connects to the Now.
Bringing your attention to the breath during the day whenever you can remember, helps you be grounded and focused throughout the day. It can also help overcome anxiety, worry and negative thoughts and emotions.
PS join one of our guided meditation classes to learn a few breathwork techniques you can use anytime during the day.
3. Connect with others
We are built for connection. From the time of cave men and women, humans have bonded together for survival & learning. Isolation leads to anxiety and stress. Like hunger signals that we need to eat, anxiety and sadness of isolation signals that we need to connect.
Rather than waiting for another to reach out, go ahead and reach out your hand first. Start with 3 people today, and keep connecting to 3 different people every week. You will find that they are also waiting for someone to reach out to them. And some will even respond warmly and happily.
A simple act of hand holding or hugging can reduce heart rate, blood pressure, cortisol (the stress hormone) and increase oxytocin (the cuddle hormone)*- making us feel calm, soothed and happy.
4. Spend time in Nature
Nature has a healing effect on the human mind and body.
Research has shown that spending time in nature can improve physical health & mental and emotional wellbeing. A 2010 study in Denmark found that Danes who lived closer to green spaces, reported better health and better health related quality of life.
Many studies have shown that spending time in nature reduces stress levels, lowers blood pressure, improves immunity. Spending time in nature has been linked with improvement in symptoms of cancer, ADHD, depression and anxiety.
Take some time and walk outside today. Start with a short walk outside. Spending time with flowers, or house plants will work just as well.
Having a plant at home or looking at nature through a window has also been shown to be beneficial*. Plant some herbs or bring a potted plant home. Nurture the plant so it keeps you company.
5. Volunteer for a cause
Volunteering helps us connect with a community and gives us a sense of purpose. Both these things help our mental well being.
Research has shown that those who volunteer report greater health and happiness. What's remarkable is that this happiness transcends the personal circumstances of the volunteers. Among the study subjects with low socioeconomic status, low status was associated with unhappiness only in those who didn't volunteer. A subject who volunteered was equally likely to be happy whether they had high or low socioeconomic status.
Volunteers also display a higher satisfaction with life*.
By volunteering we not only improve our health, happiness and satisfaction of life, but also help the community at large. Like Aristotle said, What is the essence of life? To serve others and to do good. Volunteering is key to good mental health and a better world
I hope these 5 ways resonated with you.
Let me know which one you will be using first.
Would love to hear your insights.
You can get started on meditation right away by joining me for a guided meditation class.
See you soon online.
Till then wishing you good mental health.