Holidays arrive with great zeal every year. After the socially distanced holiday seasons of the pandemic, a regular holiday season is a true a gift. So much catching up to do! There are more parties, more gatherings. Everyone wants to meet up and celebrate. We have missed this! This year, we need to grab every opportunity with both hands.
A relief and joy it is, for sure, but social commitments bring a stress of their own. After the sequestration of the pandemic, all the socializing can feel exhausting. Some of us may be out of practice. How do you host a party again? What will we all talk about? There are new questions we need to consider. Do I invite the friends I haven't spoken to in a while? Does everyone need to be vaccinated? Yeah, so besides the shopping and cooking, there is also the sanitizing and masking. It's a different holiday.
So here are 6 ways to wipe out stress from your holidays and have an extra joyous holiday season.
1. Find ‘Me time’
I know it sounds cliched, but ensuring a few minutes of 'Me Time' is crucial for your mental wellness. The temptation to maximize our social time is strong, or you may have so much to do that you may feel unable to step away.
But you can. Trust me on this. It will be okay.
You won't be missed. Not for a while at least. Not terribly, atleast.
Our devices have an infinite capacity to keep us entertained. Harness that power to keep company engaged while you slip away for a few minutes to just be. The calmer you are, the more present you can be. Think of your ‘Me Time’ as an investment in spending quality time with those you care about.

Me time ideas:
Take a 20 minute nap
Practice breathwork and meditation
Take a long shower
Go for a solo short walk
Sit comfortably with a beverage of choice
Journal about your day
Listen to music or a podcast
2. Stick to your routine
Sticking to parts of your routine can aid you in feeling grounded while traveling or visiting family. If you start your day with meditation, do that first thing when you wake up. If you exercise, take a few minutes to walk, stretch or dance during the day.
Sticking to the positive parts of your routine will keep you grounded. It will steer you away from unhelpful patterns that may come up around family or holidays.

3. Mix it up
Mixing up small talk with moments of meaningful conversation can help you not feel drained from either. We need meaningful conversations to experience fulfillment in relationships, and yet too many meaningful conversations can be exhausting. Light conversations are fun but they don't lend to authentic sharing and connection.
So plan a variety of social engagements with different people. Make light conversation at a party and have soulful conversations with your BFF.
4. Accept imperfection
Creating a space that's warm and inviting takes work. Cooking a perfect meal takes work. The process of creating a perfect ambiance and dinner can tire you, upset you or agitate you.
Anyone here lost their mind when your significant other messed up the perfect ingredients list or when your kids made a mess in the recently cleaned living room? Then you know what I mean.
Accept imperfection in your home and those of others. It's okay if the pillow is a bit crooked or you didn't get around to placing a name card for each person on the table. It's fine. Take a deep breath.
You are here and you are together. That matters more.
5. Don't be afraid to say no
If you are entering the holidays with trepidation, know that it's okay to decline some invitations.
You are getting invited to too many parties and it's draining you? It's okay to say no.
You RSVPed yes before but want to change your mind? It’s okay to do that.
You and your friends don't agree on social distancing guidelines? It's okay to not visit.
Of course, say no with kindness. If you need to protect your energy and health by declining some opportunities to meet, it's okay.
6. Share your holiday joy by connecting with others
If you are planning to spend time with the people you care about this holiday season, you are one of the lucky ones. Some aren't so lucky. We have lost so much in the last two years, people, loss of income, stability, loss of homes.
Sharing your joy with others can uplift them and in turn, make you feel better. Extending your joy to others is a great way to connect, contribute and make your holidays meaningful.

Ideas to share your holiday joy:
Check in on a friend who is going through a tough time
Invite friends or colleagues who are not visiting family over for dinner
Donate to a food bank, toy drive or be a Santa to a family in need
Well, that's the end of the article. I hope this was useful and a good use of your time. There’s more where that came from. Check out other blog articles on my page:) Wishing you a happy, meaningful, and stress free holiday.