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Invest in your wellness with immersive workshops that provide you with a comprehensive toolkit for lasting change. Whether you want to sleep better, gain energy, manage anxiety, or tap into an uplifting community, this is the right place and the right time for you to dive in. The workshops empower you to find joy and meaning in every moment of your life.
Sahaj Samadhi
Sahaj means effortless. Samadhi means a state of true meditation. In this class, you'll recieve a personal mantra - an ancient sound that effortlessly cuts through mental chatter and helps you connect with a state of deep rest and relaxation. You will also learn the principles of meditation, giving you the confidence to practice at home without relying on props and apps. This class is designed to empower you to consistently experience the benefits of meditation. Taught in 6hrs spread over 3 days. Open to 18+. Both Sahaj and SKY meditations compliment each other. It's highly recommended to learn both.
Join this immersive 7.5 hr weekend workshop to learn the powerful life transforming SKY breath Meditation. Developed personally by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the Sudarshan Kriya (SKY) uses the natural rhythms of breath to quieten the mind, allowing you to easily access a place of calm and tranquility. A highly effective, science backed breathing technique, SKY brings instant calm, relaxation and energy. It empowers you to move with ease and balance through the daily chaos of life. You will come away from this weekend of deep spiritual exploration with new skills, and a home practice that will keep you healthy and happy for years to come. Open to 18+
Kids and teens
Teen Meditation
Teen Meditation workshop is designed to introduce teens to meditation and help them integrate it into their daily lives. Teens receive a personalized guided meditation tailored to their age and temperament to keep practicing for uninterrupted benefits. A regular practice of meditation helps teens regulate emotions constructively and stay focused through the school year.
For Kids
& Teenagers
SKY Kids (Ages 8-12) and SKY Teens (Ages 13-17) teaches the powerful SKY practice & helps students discover greater self-confidence, resilience and a set of tools that will carry them through all of life’s ups and downs. Through meditation, breathing techniques, games & team activities, kids and teens learn how to access a stress free mind at any time, boost focus and concentration, explore values like respect and responsibility, and enhance leadership skills.
Children can do incredible things by tapping into their intuition. Intuition Process empowers children to strengthen & access their inherent intuitive abilities. A strong intuition is a reliable life navigation tool that can guide us towards better decisions & happier outcomes. Two tracks available - Junior Track (ages 5-7), Senior track (ages 8-17).
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